Caring for Ekotree Knitwear

Washing Ekotree knitwear correctly will continue to soften the fibre without felting it and allow you to get even more wear out of each piece – ensuring its longevity and making it worth every penny. But carelessly putting cashmere into a washing machine without a specialized wash will over felt the garment and it may lose its softness and drape.


If pills have formed on the surface of the garment, remove them with a cashmere comb. Lay your garment flat and gently glide the comb over the affected area to remove the pills. Pilling is a natural cashmere characteristic, not a sign of poor quality. Avoid using an electric shaver as they can easily damage the knitwear and create holes.

Shop Cashmere Care Comb


The constitution of cashmere - the fine undercoat of the Cashmere goat - is very much similar to human hair. As such, a basic rule is not to use anything on it that one would not use for human hair.


Hand washing your cashmere garment is highly recommended, rather than machine washing or dry cleaning.

Hand wash in a clean sink or basin, making sure the water is no hotter than lukewarm (30°C to 36°C). Use a small amount of gentle detergent and ensure it is fully dissolved in the water before you begin washing.

Turn the garment inside out, submerge in the water, and gently squeeze the water through the garment. Do not rub, wring or twist the garment while washing. Gently squeeze excess water from the garment before removing it from the sink. Do not wring or twist the garment, simply squeeze the water out.


Lay the garment out flat on a towel, then gently roll the garment in the towel (like a sausage roll) and lightly press. Unroll and reshape the garment. Leave it to dry and laid flat - if you hang it, the weight of the water will stretch it out of shape. Wet garments can weigh up to 6 times their dry weight. Allow to air-dry naturally, keeping away from direct heat sources like radiators and sunlight.

Tumble drying is not recommended, as this can turn a cashmere garment into a rag. This is where most of the surface damage and potential shrinkage take place.


Once dry, you can lightly press the garment using a cool iron to remove any creases. Cover the garment with a damp cloth (a cotton or linen tea towel is ideal) and gently press with an iron on a low heat setting.

You can also gently steam the garment using a steam iron. Carefully hover the steam iron above the surface of the garment, allowing the steam to do the work. Use the steam iron on a mid-heat setting.


Your garment should be stored in a dry dark place, preferably with a scent such as cedar wood to deter moths. The garments should be dry and clean prior to storage, and if possible kept in a clean cotton bag or breathable bag. If using plastic bags for storage, these should be replaced every 2-3 months to avoid the yellowing of light shades; and the development of dampness caused by temperature variation. Avoid using cardboard boxes for storage.
Damage by moths is caused by female moths laying their eggs on the garment, and the hatched larvae subsequently eating their way through the fibres. Moths are attracted to the garments by the smell of the protein fibres, so masking the smell with cedar wood, lavender or rosemary helps to keep the garments moth free.

Shop Cashmere Cedar Moth Wood